Republican Women of Dane County (RWDC) Wisconsin

Established 1947 dedicated to conservative and Republican causes and good government

“Examine men’s ruling principles, even those of the wise, what kind of things they avoid, and what kind they pursue.” ~ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

October 2024 Newsletter posted. See “Member Resources Page.”

The RWDC is a local club of the Wisconsin Federation of Republican Women (WFRW). The WFRW itself is part of the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW). Founded in 1938, the NFRW is a grassroots political organization, bringing together women from all walks of life to positively affect the direction of our nation.

Upcoming Candidate, RWDC, and Republican Party Events

For more events, see the “Member Resources” page.

RWDC October Biennial Members Meeting and Luncheon. Officer Elections and Featured Speakers Joan Ballweg and Jenifer Quimby

Our meeting is October 17, 2024, 11:30 social/12:00 meeting starts. Our luncheon is at the Esquire Club on Sherman Ave. Cost $25 per person. Our featured speakers are Joan Ballweg, candidate for Wisconsin Senate District 14 and Jenifer Quimby, candidate for Wisconsin Assembly District 46. Please see the newsletter for details and descriptions.

We will also vote for RWDC leadership for 2025 and 2026. Here is our slate of candidates:

President:  Molly Koranda

1st VP: Mary Lou Feller

2nd VP:  Open

Treasurer:  Sandy Bakk

Recording Secretary:  Janet Oakley

Corresponding Secretary:  Lee Gasper-Galvin

Advisor:  Bev Maddrell

Advisor:  Megan Wisersky

Please dig deep.  How about volunteering to be the 2nd VP?  We need you.  Elections will be held at our October luncheon.  If you have questions about the slate, please contact Su Timmerman, chair of the Nominating Committee. We thank the Nominating Committee and our volunteers for creating this slate.

Please tell Su Timmerman. if you are coming – by the 16th (out of courtesy to the Esquire). Bring friends! Three ways to register. See information below.

How to RSVP/Register for RWDC Luncheons:

1. By check and by mail.  Checks payable to RWDC ($30) and mail to Su Timmerman, 1801 Cameron Drive, Madison 53711
2. By Zelle, online banking app (see separate email you received as a member). Use [email protected]. Be sure to email Su at [email protected] to alert her to your reservation.

3. Pay at the door.  Be sure to email Su at [email protected] to alert her to your reservation.

Invite a Friend to Lunch

Do you know women who may be interested in RWDC?  Please invite them to our luncheon meetings.  We would love to meet and introduce them to RWDC.  Let’s grow our membership and show Wisconsin and the nation, Dane County has a conservative face and force.

RWDC Meetings

The RWDC meets on the third Thursday of the month, September through June, at the Esquire Club, 1025 N Sherman Ave, Madison, WI 53704 . 11:30 AM Social/12:00 PM meeting/lunch, unless notified of any change. No meetings July and August. Check club newsletter and the Member Resources page for meeting details.

The Purpose of the RWDC

  • Network with motivated women and invest in the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government
  • Keep the public informed through political education & activity
  • Foster loyalty to conservative values and to the Republican Party at all levels of government
  • Promote the principles and the values of the Republican Party
  • Support the goals and objectives of the Republican Party
  • Work for Republican candidates in all elections, including nonpartisan elections

Updated 09/26/2024